There are many different kinds of liquid storage tanks available for many different uses, but selecting the right tank and installing it correctly is critical in each situation. Proper tank installation can result in a strong, solid installation that will last for years and require less maintenance.
Tank Selection
If you need a tank to store a liquid product or some form of waste, you need to find one rated to work with the material you are dealing with. A water tank is not the same in construction or design as a fuel tank that will hold diesel or gasoline.
The size of the tank, its orientation, and the material it is made from can all be critical decisions that you must make when choosing a tank for your needs. It is also crucial to check local guidelines surrounding storage tanks and how they must be installed. The tank installation service you are using can help or make a recommendation.
Tank Installation
The tank installation methods can differ because the material in the tank may dictate things like filter systems, external line sizes, and where the tank is placed. For instance, if the tank is being used for water, it can go just about anywhere. However, if that water is hazardous and is a waste product from your facility, the location of the tank may need to be away from the building and have restricted access to it.
You may need a concrete pad or slab for the tank to sit on, a fence surrounding the tank may be required, and monitoring systems could be necessary to ensure that you will be notified right away if there is an issue with the storage tank installation. Catchment areas are sometimes required around the tank you are installing, but the size and capacity are often something you will need to find out from the local code enforcement officer.
Professional Installation
Because the requirements for your tank installation can be critical, working with a professional installation service is often the best way to ensure everything is done correctly and you meet all the rules for your area. If there is work that needs to be done prior to the tank installation, the contractor can make arrangements for subcontractors to complete that work if necessary.
The cost of professional tank installation may seem higher than doing the work in-house, but it also guarantees that the work is done to code and will stand up over time. Most contractors will make repairs or changes to the installation for you if there is a problem, so take the time to find an experienced tank installation contractor before installing any storage tanks in your facility or on your property.