If you have decided that you want to start importing some items to sell in your store, then you will be pleased to learn this isn't as complicated of a process as you might believe. Thanks to technological advances in online banking it is also a relatively safe thing to do as well. To this end, follow these tips when you're starting the ball rolling with importing products for your store:

Tip: Place Sample Orders Prior to Larger Orders to Verify the Product

While you can safely place a large order for products through a local distributor and be certain about the products you will receive, this is not always true when placing international orders. For example, you might place an order for a case of one pound bags of basmati rice, and if that isn't what arrives, then you can arrange a refund or replacement. However, when you are importing goods, once they get here you have a lot less ability to deal with defective products or things that arrive in a different state than you were promised. As with the rice example, you could find yourself with cases of five-pound bags of jasmine rice instead.

To prevent the above problem, you should always place sample orders with international distributors you have not previously worked with. While you will pay a few dollars for samples, it will help you feel more secure that you will get the exact items you ordered.

Tip: Use PayPal So You Have Buyer Protection

You need maximum financial protection for the purchases you make overseas. Since wire transfers and Western Union do not give you any protection, you should pay for all imported items using PayPal. PayPal offers a buyer protection program that protects you against shipments not received and those that are received but are not the products you ordered.

Tip: Project Confidence and Professionalism to International Sellers and Wholesalers

Finally, when you are corresponding with international wholesalers and companies, you should always project an air of confidence and act in professional ways. For example, when you converse in email, always use clear and concise language and keep things professional. Additionally, you should always use terms like "we" and "our company" when referring to your store. Even if you are a sole proprietor and you are the only person working for your business, there is no reason that the suppliers need to know this. 
